Browsing All posts tagged under »joe miller«

Murkowski concedes AK Senate race

September 1, 2010


Quelling any GOP fears of a long and drawn-out primary fight, incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski conceded the Republican nomination to Joe Miller, a Fairbanks attorney who was endorsed by former governor Sarah Palin. Fears of an independent run appear squashed since the AK Libertarian Party has declined to deem Murkowski their candidate. I give credit […]

Murkowski, on verge of getting the boot in AK, considers indy run

August 25, 2010


The GOP Senate primary yesterday took a very interesting turn when everyone realized that entrenched incumbent Lisa Murkowski is trailing upstart challenger Joe Miller by about 2000 votes (2 percentage points in a primary turnout of less than 90,000). Absentee ballots have yet to be counted, but there’s no question that Murkowski is on the […]