Browsing All posts tagged under »cabinet«

NYT: 57% of Obama appointments not yet filled

August 24, 2009


Shortly after the election, I heard several pronouncements extolling Obama’s transition as the smoothest in American history among other accolades, all of which were hyperbolic works of extreme aggrandizement. Never mind the several appointees that had tax problems and other issues, but that’s neither here nor there. What’s interesting is that seven months in, the […]

The first 100 days of the Obama Presidency

April 30, 2009


While it’s my belief that “the first 100 days” is a quite artificial benchmark that’s been exhaustively overstated, especially these last few weeks, and while I also know this post technically comes on the 101st day, I thought I might join the crowd and give a few of my own thoughts on the first 100 […]

Judd Gregg withdraws from Commerce Sec nomination

February 12, 2009


In a bold and surprising move, Sen. Judd Gregg withdrew from consideration to become Obama’s Commerce Secretary. He cited irreconcilable differences over the stimulus and the Census grab by the White House. Conservatives are ecstatic about  the withdrawal, and he undoubtedly made the right choice. The Obama administrations plan for the Census (which may incidentally see […]

Daschle steps aside amid tax controversy

February 3, 2009


Just days after his massive tax delinquency came to public attention, Tom Daschle withdrew himself as nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary. The shocking withdrawal came only a few hours after another Obama Cabinet pick, Nancy Killefer, also withdrew as her own financial troubles were beginning to come to light. Her potential position? Chief […]

GOP Sen. Gregg likely to be named Sec of Commerce

February 2, 2009


Word is that Republican Senator Judd Gregg is due to be tapped by President Obama to become Secretary of Commerce. Sen. Gregg campaigned heavily for the bank bailout bill, making any potential fiscal conservative creds highly doubtful. In addition, there is the small matter of his Senate seat should he take the job. He is from […]

Daschle provides more tax fraud on the Obama Cabinet

January 31, 2009


Ready for more hope and change? Tom Daschle, Obama’s choice for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, has apparently forgotten to pay $128,000 in taxes. Just another honest mistake, right? After all, this is the smoothest transition in the history of the nation, right? Right! I don’t know how anyone can claim with a straight face that […]

Tax “mistakes” don’t stop Geithner clearing committee hurdle

January 22, 2009


Timothy Geithner made it through his Senate Financial Committee vote by a margin of 16-5. You surprisingly had Senators Orrin Hatch and John Cornyn praising his credentials and dismissing his failure to pay tens of thousands in taxes as a “mistake.” Yeah, OK, great credentials. Accomplished very little as NY Fed chief and helped engineer […]

AG nom Holder: Marc Rich pardon makes me better

January 15, 2009


In his confirmation hearing today, Attorney General hopeful Eric Holder had to defend his support of the pardon of Marc Rich. Here’s what he had to say: “I’ve learned from that experience and as perverse as this might sound, I will be a better AG having had the Marc Rich experience.” A better analysis can be […]

Surprise, surprise – Obama’s Treasury pick skipped taxes

January 13, 2009


Can we finally put to rest this notion of the smoothest transition in history is taking place before our privileged eyes? Bill Richardson had to drop out due to a criminal investigation, Leon Panetta has no intelligence experience for the top international intelligence position, and along with so many other missteps of the Obama Cabinet […]

More Obama Cabinet roundup

January 6, 2009


Patterico has a heads-up on four more Clintonistas being named to Barack Obama’s legal team. The antithesis of “change” marches on as more former administration officials are added to the “new politician’s” Cabinet. If being Clinton’s third term was such a great and fantastic idea, they should have ran on that promise and pledge. I wonder if […]

Obama’s Cabinet continues to stumble

January 5, 2009


It was recently revealed that contributions to Bill Richardson are under grand jury investigation. With the appearance of impropriety, Richardson has since withdrawn his name from consideration as Barack Obama’s Secretary of Commerce. Richardson, a former Clinton Energy Secretary, insists he’ll be cleared, but yet another accusation of a “pay-to-play” scandal does nothing to clear the morass […]

Obama’s Cabinet continues to fail to impress

December 16, 2008


I heard Bob Beckel today call this the “smoothest and most well-run transition in the history of the country.” Never mind the extreme historical hyperbole – even if it could be considered smooth, what it’s churning out is nothing short of lackluster. Consider the most recent picks. New Education Secretary Arne Duncan is the CEO […]

Obama – a modern-day beatification

December 4, 2008


So now it seems that an Alabama county will from this day forward mark the second Monday in November as Barack Obama Day. This outpouring of adoration goes well with the new Obama Elementary School, possible Obama-named schools in Ohio and Washington, streets in Nigeria and Spain, and get this: a mountain in Antigua. That’s right: a mountain! […]